Hello, from Brainstorm PRINT

To all our customers, suppliers and friends, just a quick note to underscore what is becoming self evident: We have rebranded our company from Simon Skjodt to Brainstorm PRINT.
We remain the same team absolutely committed to quality, service, ease of doing business, creativity, and value. And more than ever, we realize that we are relationship-powered. And we are entering the new age….maybe late, maybe kicking and dragging….but welcome to our first blog.

This decision to rebrand started with a number of customer conversations and our own desire to help people understand who we are and what we do.
We went about the task with some rigor – interviewing customers and then surveying any customer who had ordered from us in the past 24 months.
We also had a contest to see if anyone could submit the new name.

While customers did not get us the final name, they made contributions in many, many ways. In fact customer input got us brainstorming in collaborative style which is how we arrived at the name.

The PRINT part of the name was straight forward. Though we offer a broad customer line, 90% of customers tried us first for commercial/digital printing.

The Brainstorm piece came to us because we often work with each of our customers to come up with solutions – whether it be product engineering, managing a number of campaign or event pieces collectively, or providing you with budget-minding answers.

It also speaks to where we will expand over time – into more concept design, more direct mail, and other value added elements that offer more consultative content. But at heart, we are a printer.

The interaction with our customers provided us with many insights.

I will share one for now. Clients told us that we don’t communicate often enough and they don’t know all that we do.
In the process of finding a new name, it also birthed this blog and a plan to communicate in a robust manner.

So stay tuned as Brainstorm Print moves forward. And Thank You again customers for your candor and willingness to help us understand how we can be more valuable to you.
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